A Bangladesh passport is a travel document issued by the Government of Bangladesh only to its citizens for the purpose of international travel. It must be either in the custody of the bearer or of a person duly authorized by its bearer. If lost or destroyed, the fact and circumstances must be immediately reported to the Passport Office in Bangladesh or the nearest Bangladesh Mission and to the local police authorities. Issuance of a passport can be denied on grounds of suppression of facts or submission of incorrect information. Any wilful damage to passport or unauthorized changes/corrections on a passport will render it invalid.
Please keep a photocopy of your passport in a safe place. Without details of the previous passport, issuance of a passport may significantly be delayed.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: MRP (Digital Passport) issue and appointment
ডিজিটাল পাসপোর্ট এর ফিঙ্গার প্রিন্ট ও ছবি তোলার দিন যদি জন্ম নিবন্ধন সনদ/ জাতীয় পরিচয় পত্রের (১৭ ডিজিট) ফটোকপি না থাকে তাহলে ওই দিনের অ্যাপয়েনমেনট বাতিল করা হবে।
We kindly request you to go directly to our website and book your appointment. Hence, the e-mail for MRP appointments will not be considered. All are kindly requested to follow the on-line appointment system. Please visit www.bcgmilan.gov.bd
All digital passports are valid for a total of 5 years. The cost is Euro 100 per person. For a student the cost is Euro 30 upon submission of a current school attendance certificate, current university attendance certificate or current university exam booklet.
Please find following the list of papers that each single applicant must bring to their digital passport appointment:
All applicants must come for their interview, photo and fingerprinting with all of the abovementioned papers. Please note that children from 0-5 years of age do not need to come for interview, only their parents are required at the application appointment. From the age of 6 years upwards all children must be present for their digital passport appointment. It is also to be noted that each child must now have their own passport, they can no longer be put on the passport of a parent.
After the appointment the passport will arrive at this Mission within 45 days. The applicant will be duly notified by this Consulate General when the digital passport is available for collection.
In case of failure to attend the assigned appointment as mentioned above or to respect these abovementioned guidelines, the applicant will have to reapply for a digital passport appointment .